Become a valued supplier

Supply Chain 1-2-3

Sharpen your skills to sell into supply chains

Engage with our top tier buyers and experts in this unique learning and development program

We help growth-oriented companies sell into large, complex supply chains.

Program Details

What you'll learn

Supply Chain 1-2-3 provides you with key learnings to help you: 

  • Position your business in the supply chain 
  • Pitch your offer and win bids
  • Deliver contracts on time and on budget 

How you'll learn 

Our program contains a mixture of facilitated workshops (in-person or virtual) and customized one-on-one coaching

Unique opportunities! 

Grow your network and apply your new skills. The program ends with our very popular Meet-the-Buyer event where you'll get in front of actual buyers from your industry. 

Who should attend? 

Business owner or employee? You choose the participant best positioned to attend.  


Each Supply Chain 1-2-3 program is customized to equip your business to sell into the supply chain for a specific sector. 

Currently we deliver programs focused on the following sectors: 

Other ways we can help you

Industry associations and organizations

We can help you bring this program to businesses in your region, or sector. Contact us today to learn how. 

Small and medium-sized businesses 

Let us know if there a supply chain sector that's important to you but is not currently on our list. We may be able to help you. Contact us today to tell us more about your needs. 

Follow us for updates 

You can find us on LinkedIn or Facebook 

This program is managed by LearnSphere Canada with the financial support of the department of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)’s Office of Skills for Success with the Government of Canada.

Skills for Success help you thrive in the rapidly changing workplace of today... and tomorrow! 


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