Empowering Women Entrepreneurs
in Cameroon & Senegal!

LearnSphere and the McKenna Institute at the University of New Brunswick are working together to empower 1,000 women entrepreneurs in Cameroon & Senegal.
With a $4 million investment from the Government of Canada over four years, this initiative will break down barriers to digital access—providing women with the tools, training, and resources they need to succeed in today’s online marketplace.
This marks LearnSphere’s return to international development, bringing us back to our roots, and building on a legacy of impact across 20 developing countries. We’re proud to continue this work, fostering inclusive economic growth in Africa.
We look forward to collaborating on this project with our many Associates in Canada, and also with our longstanding partners:
• L’Institut Universitaire de la Côte (IUC), in Cameroon
• Groupement d’intérêt économique FariFima (Dr. Mariane Ouattara), in Sénégal
Together, we’re not just closing the digital gender gap—we’re creating a future where women entrepreneurs can thrive!

LearnSphere is an Exporter too
LearnSphere has been exporting its expertise to different parts of the world since 1998. We have been involved in projects taking us to over twenty countries in Africa, Europe and the Caribbean.
No matter where you are in the world, better skills mean better jobs, and better jobs mean better livelihoods. Our international work has focused on improving livelihoods and strengthening human capital through learning. For example, our Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) product helps ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality skills training. In this program we aim to increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills for employment and entrepreneurship.
The program responds to the needs of workers and learners by using innovations such as distance/online learning, blended learning, programs that focus on trade-based skills and/or essential skills, and teaching methods that value work and life skills and experience. Flexible, adaptable, and client-centered, this approach can have immediate application even in complex and fragmented TVET contexts around the world.
We have brokered and managed a variety of large-scale international development projects with partners such as the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and the Francophone Agency (OIF) in France.
Learn more about our previous projects on our portfolio page.