Building Skills for Business Success

Future-proof skills to help organizations thrive

The world of work is changing rapidly. As digital transformation and automation accelerate, we will all need to shore up our skills to keep pace. While technology is driving this transformation, the skills of the future will be even more human.

Using the Government of Canada’s Skills for Success framework, we deliver sector-specific programs that help build foundational skills that workers can apply now. 

Learn more about the nine Skills for Suc­cess and how we’re incor­po­rat­ing them into our learn­ing programs.

The Skills for Success

Developing these skills will help businesses and workers excel – in any sector and any role.

  • Adaptability
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Digital
  • Numeracy
  • Problem-solving
  • Reading
  • Writing

Our Approach

  1. We bring togeth­er indus­try and learn­ing experts to help small- to medi­um-sized busi­ness­es build the skills they need to thrive in ever-evolv­ing workplaces.

  2. We have applied the Skills for Suc­cess frame­work to our sec­tor-spe­cif­ic learn­ing and devel­op­ment solu­tions, build­ing aware­ness among those who are ready to invest in their future.

  3. Our holis­tic and expe­ri­en­tial approach includes 1:1 coach­ing with a Skills for Suc­cess expert to deep­en understanding.

Our Impact

We’re invested in helping business owners and professionals position themselves – and their organizations – for success. 

Here is a snapshot of our progress in 2022-23.

Prac­ti­tion­ers, Staff & Part­ners Trained

Work­shops with Skills for Suc­cess Integration


Sat­is­fac­tion rat­ing from
par­tic­i­pants access­ing all programs

Thank you to LearnSphere for their excellent workshop for small businesses on the importance of ‘knowing your numbers’ in a sales pitch. Shortly after attending the workshop, I had a meeting with a large corporation to get my product into their stores. Thanks to the training, I felt very prepared, speaking confidently about the 50% margin their stores would make, and the benefits of incremental sales and purchases. And it paid off! I was able to get into all of their 22 stores! This workshop was truly vital in helping me seal the deal.

MICHELLE KHATIB, Canuck Landing “Let’s Talk Numbers” & “Perfect Your Pitch” workshops
Calgary, AB | June 2023

Explore our Supply Chain 123 programs that incorporate the Skills for Success framework.