Workload, Time Management, and Boundary Setting

Are you a part of a small or medi­um-sized non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion strug­gling with work­load, time man­age­ment, and bound­ary setting? 

This inter­ac­tive work­shop is designed to pro­vide you with prac­ti­cal strate­gies and empow­er you to make mean­ing­ful changes in how you man­age your work­load and time. Join us and take the first step towards a more bal­anced and pro­duc­tive work life! 

This inter­ac­tive work­shop will cov­er the fol­low­ing topics: 

  • Hard truths about work­load and bound­aries on our time in non-prof­it organizations 
  • Key skills for avoid­ing burn-out 
  • Hard and soft bound­aries on our time 
  • A sim­ple method to help pri­or­i­tize tasks 

By the end of this work­shop par­tic­i­pants will have: 

  • Reflect­ed on some hard truths about their work­load and bound­aries on how they spend their time 
  • Learned how to set bound­aries on their time and hold them­selves account­able to those boundaries 
  • Learned how to pri­or­i­tize their work on a week­ly basis using a sim­ple method 
  • Been empow­ered to take charge of their time and their workload

Online Work­shop — 1.5hours