Understanding and Appreciating Different Personalities at Work

Work­ing effi­cient­ly with dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ty types is ben­e­fi­cial to sus­tain a strong team and healthy work environment. 

Per­son­al­i­ty Dimen­sions® is a human rela­tions tool which is pre­sent­ed in an infor­ma­tive, inter­ac­tive, fun and self-dis­cov­ery for­mat. It is based on lead­ing-edge research, which helps to explain what moti­vates behav­iour in peo­ple with dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ties or tem­pera­ments. Par­tic­i­pants will: 

  • Learn about the 4 dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ty types. 
  • Dis­cov­er their own per­son­al­i­ty type and uncov­er their unique blend of strengths and weaknesses. 
  • Learn to appre­ci­ate oth­ers’ differences.

Where effec­tive train­ing and devel­op­ment is essen­tial for meet­ing strate­gic objec­tives – an under­stand­ing of per­son­al­i­ty the­o­ry is a very effec­tive tool in facil­i­tat­ing team cre­ation and build­ing; improv­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion and inter­per­son­al rela­tion­ships; enhanc­ing cus­tomer ser­vice and sat­is­fac­tion; and in pro­vid­ing inno­v­a­tive solu­tions to prob­lems by tap­ping into the cre­ative ener­gy of every tem­pera­ment preference.

This work­shop can also be pre­sent­ed in a half-day workshop

Can be an online or in-per­son work­shop — 7.00 hours