The Importance of Self-Esteem at Work

Dur­ing this work­shop, you will learn to rec­og­nize the dif­fer­ence between self-esteem and self-con­fi­dence. You will dis­cov­er the impor­tance of self-esteem and how to devel­op it with­in you. Self-Esteem has a sig­nif­i­cant impact on many essen­tial employ­ee out­comes, such as moti­va­tion, job sat­is­fac­tion, work rela­tion­ships, change man­age­ment, orga­ni­za­tion­al com­mit­ment, and over­all job per­for­mance. Self-esteem affects our behav­iour in both our pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al life. There­fore, by tak­ing part in this work­shop, we are help­ing our employ­ees access tools that will help them to see their val­ue and/​or improve the way they per­ceive them­selves. This will help them reach their full poten­tial and improve their work performance.

Dur­ing this work­shop, many top­ics will be discussed: 

  • Rec­og­niz­ing the dual­i­ty that exists with­in us (Ego ver­sus Heart). 
  • Know­ing your inner-self better. 
  • The impor­tance of I am”.
  • The pow­er of influence. 
  • Learn­ing to bet­ter express your­self in a pos­i­tive and authen­tic way. 
  • A visu­al­iza­tion exer­cise to bet­ter con­nect with yourself.

SME’s and non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions can strong­ly ben­e­fit from par­tic­i­pat­ing in this work­shop – employ­ers and employ­ees alike. By invest­ing in the per­son­al devel­op­ment and well­be­ing of your employ­ees (and your­self) you are direct­ly invest­ing in the suc­cess and per­for­mance of your business!

Can be an online or in-per­son work­shop — 3hours