Successful Negotiation Essentials

Three-part series. Required par­tic­i­pa­tion in each part. 1 hour 30 min­utes each. 

As busi­ness own­ers and man­agers, you are expect­ed to suc­cess­ful­ly nego­ti­ate with clients, sup­pli­ers, part­ners, and employ­ees. The com­mon­ly held belief is that where there are win­ners, there must be losers. Giv­en the stakes, you’d not be alone in want­i­ng to learn how to win each nego­ti­a­tion you under­take. This 3‑part online work­shop series chal­lenges that notion and by par­tic­i­pat­ing you will learn effec­tive approach­es and tech­niques to help both par­ties be suc­cess­ful in negotiations.

Through these engag­ing and inter­ac­tive online work­shops, you will learn about:
  • Win/​Lose approach to nego­ti­a­tions. What is it and how to avoid it.
  • Win/​Win approach to nego­ti­a­tions. The keys to accom­plish this.
  • Inter­est based nego­ti­a­tions and gen­er­at­ing options to get to Yes”.
Online Work­shop — 4.5 hour (Three-part series. 1 hour 30 min­utes each)