Success Is Simple: Strategic Planning for Small Business Owners

Most entre­pre­neurs have big goals but no clear path to hit­ting them. They waste time, mon­ey, and resources on things that don’t move them for­ward. You’ll walk away from this 2 part work­shop know­ing exact­ly where to focus in the next 90 days to grow your busi­ness and make this your best year ever. 

Part 1: Get crys­tal clear on your goals for 2023 & Iden­ti­fy your biggest oppor­tu­ni­ties for growth 

  • Define your most impor­tant busi­ness goals for 2023 (while learn­ing how to avoid the mis­takes most peo­ple make when goal setting) 
  • Learn the 4 biggest rea­sons most busi­ness strate­gies don’t deliv­er results & how to cre­ate one that does 
  • Audit your busi­ness across the 5 areas that most con­tribute to suc­cess so that you under­stand exact­ly what is and isn’t work­ing right now 
  • Ana­lyze the data you do have and iden­ti­fy what else you need to make informed strate­gic decisions 
  • Uncov­er your biggest oppor­tu­ni­ties for growth

Part 2: Build a 90 day action plan that’s going to deliv­er big results & Set up sys­tems for success 

  • Clear­ly define your top pri­or­i­ties for your busi­ness this year 
  • Iden­ti­fy the spe­cif­ic strat­e­gy that will empow­er you to hit or exceed your goals 
  • Break down your strat­e­gy into spe­cif­ic and action­able projects you can begin exe­cut­ing on immediately 
  • Learn how to hold your team (or your­self!) account­able & aligned to the strat­e­gy despite distractions 
  • Iden­ti­fy the most impor­tant met­rics to track in your busi­ness so you can make sol­id strate­gic deci­sions going forward 
  • Learn what suc­cess­ful entre­pre­neurs are doing dif­fer­ent­ly to suc­ceed in their strate­gic action plans

This work­shop is for you if.…. 

You have ambi­tious goals for the next 12 months but don’t quite know how you’re going to hit them (or you don’t even have clear­ly defined goals) 

You’re try­ing to do all the right things to move your busi­ness for­ward but aren’t see­ing the results you want 

You’re grow­ing your rev­enue here and there, but it always feels like one step for­ward, two steps back instead of the expo­nen­tial growth you’re after (or you’ve grown so fast you’re feel­ing scat­tered in a mil­lion directions) 

You don’t have a crys­tal clear plan on where to focus when you sit down to work each day and you feel you could be more pro­duc­tive with your time 

Strate­gic plan­ning sounds too intim­i­dat­ing — you want a frame­work that is sim­ple and will actu­al­ly help you move forward. 

Online Work­shop — 3 hours (2 * 1.5 hours)