Speed Up and Improve Your Marketing with ChatGPT

AI (Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence) becom­ing much more com­mon­place today and Chat­G­PT, an advanced chat bot, and free infor­ma­tion­al resource, has become a pop­u­lar way to sup­port mar­ket­ing efforts. Though it may seem scary or inau­then­tic to some to use tools like Chat­G­PT, it actu­al­ly pro­vides a way for you to improve your mar­ket­ing, stay more con­sis­tent and still be true to who you are. 

Chat­G­PT pro­vides an oppor­tu­ni­ty for busi­ness­es to save a tremen­dous amount of time and cre­ate some pret­ty amaz­ing con­tent for their marketing. 

By the end of this work­shop par­tic­i­pants will be able to: 

  • Under­stand what Chat­GTP is, how to get it, and how to use it 
  • Learn how to cre­ate com­mands that gen­er­ate bet­ter out­put from ChatGPT 
  • Gen­er­ate ideas for and write mar­ket­ing con­tent using ChatGPT 
  • Under­stand the capa­bil­i­ties and lim­i­ta­tions of ChatGPT 

This work­shop is great for any­one who does mar­ket­ing for any type or size of business. 

Facil­i­tat­ed by Hay­ley Bohan, Mar­ket­ing on Purpose 

With its cre­ative and ana­lyt­i­cal mind, its brand expe­ri­ence Hay­ley has the strongest desire to prove that brands that do good do bet­ter. Find in Hay­ley a raw, truth-telling and pas­sion­ate coach.

Online Work­shop (1.5h)