Social Finance and Social Innovation

Times are chang­ing for non­prof­its in Canada. 

Fund­ing through grants and dona­tions is going the way of the dodo bird and being used less and less by gov­ern­ment and foun­da­tions. Today, orga­ni­za­tions are being expect­ed to use social inno­va­tion and new tools under the social finance umbrel­la such as impact invest­ing, out­comes-based fund­ing, social pro­cure­ment, and even investor tax cred­its to fund many of their pro­grams and services. 

Learn more about these new tools and about the fed­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s Invest­ment Readi­ness and Social Finance Funds that are rolling out across the coun­try. This work­shop is geared to any­one who wants to learn more about the new way for­ward in financ­ing co-ops, social enter­prise, and com­mu­ni­ty initiatives.

Online Work­shop — 2 hours