Selling into Supply Chains

The world has nev­er been more aware of the com­plex and inte­grat­ed nature of glob­al sup­ply chains. Where there is chal­lenge for some though, there is oppor­tu­ni­ty for oth­ers. Many com­pa­nies, and pub­lic sec­tor pro­cure­ment arms are now tak­ing a more seri­ous look at local sup­pli­ers, as way of reduc­ing risk while main­tain­ing qual­i­ty and price requirements. 

Attend this inter­ac­tive, and engag­ing online work­shop to learn how your com­pa­ny can find suc­cess by sell­ing into sup­ply chains. Gain tips on how your approach must be adapt­ed for this oppor­tu­ni­ty, and how it dif­fers from reg­u­lar sale efforts. Leave with prac­ti­cal tools you can put to use imme­di­ate­ly, to turn learn­ing into growth for your business.

Online work­shop — 3 hours