Project Management Lite

Run­ning a busi­ness involves jug­gling many projects, but many SMEs don’t have any­one on staff with for­mal Project Man­age­ment (PM) train­ing. Project Man­age­ment Lite will help you learn to apply PM prin­ci­ples to increase your success. 

This two-part course will cov­er every­thing from defin­ing your scope, esti­mat­ing work and costs, estab­lish­ing a plan, ini­ti­at­ing the project, using met­rics to track your progress, and har­vest­ing lessons-learned at closing. 

By the end of this work­shop you will be able to: 

• Rec­og­nize key PM concepts 

• Under­stand the dif­fer­ent stages of a project, and the inputs/​outputs need­ed at each stage 

• Iden­ti­fy met­rics for track­ing progress 

• Ana­lyze project per­for­mance and deter­mine required actions 

• Eval­u­ate what went well and should be repeat­ed, and what went wrong and should be avoided 

This work­shop is for you if: 

• You strug­gle to keep your projects on time and on budget 

• You don’t have much for­mal PM experience 

• You are look­ing for ways to increase your success

2 ses­sions, 3 hours each (online), 1 day in-person