Managing Conflict in the Workplace

This work­place con­flict man­age­ment work­shop pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive overview of the nature and impor­tance of address­ing con­flicts early. 

Par­tic­i­pants will explore the impact of con­flicts on team dynam­ics, employ­ee well-being, and over­all pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, empha­siz­ing the neces­si­ty for time­ly inter­ven­tion. Through self-reflec­tion exer­cis­es, atten­dees will iden­ti­fy their per­son­al con­flict trig­gers and pre­pare effec­tive­ly to address dis­putes. The course high­lights the crit­i­cal role of active lis­ten­ing in con­flict res­o­lu­tion, equip­ping par­tic­i­pants with prac­ti­cal tech­niques to apply in real-world situations. 

This work­shop is ide­al for man­agers, team lead­ers, and employ­ees seek­ing to improve their con­flict man­age­ment skills.

Can be an online or in-per­son work­shop — 2hours