Maintaining Good Client Relationships

Are you look­ing for ways to main­tain good client relationships? 

No mat­ter what job you do, you have clients – whether you are on the front line of cus­tomer ser­vice or work­ing in the back­ground to keep the com­pa­ny running. 

Giv­en the cur­rent social, finan­cial and safe­ty pres­sures fac­ing both you and your clients it is more impor­tant than ever to ensure our client rela­tion­ships are pos­i­tive and productive. 

In this inter­ac­tive online work­shop, facil­i­tat­ed by Monique Gal­lie, you will: 

  • Explore typ­i­cal client reac­tions you may encounter
  • Learn prac­ti­cal strate­gies for pro­vid­ing out­stand­ing cus­tomer service

Online Work­shop — 2 hour