Leveraging Your Team's Potential

Learn how to achieve the desired results for your orga­ni­za­tion by lever­ag­ing the poten­tial of your team.

In this work­shop, Human Resources expert Rebec­ca McNeil from The Chap­man Group, will pro­vide valu­able knowl­edge and insights to assist you and your team in cre­at­ing an engaged workplace.

Learn­ing objectives:

  • Under­stand how to cre­ate a diverse and inclu­sive team
  • Under­stand team dys­func­tions and tools to sup­port pos­i­tive team development
  • Dis­cuss effec­tive con­flict management 
  • Learn tools that assist with under­stand­ing our­selves and each other
  • Intro­duce Per­son­al Devel­op­ment Planning
In-Per­son — 3 hours