Inclusive Leadership: 5 Keys to Success Through Diversity

This immer­sive learn­ing expe­ri­ence is designed to equip lead­ers and employ­ers with action­able strate­gies to har­ness the eco­nom­ic poten­tial of a diverse work­force, specif­i­cal­ly address­ing the increas­ing influx of immi­grants. This hands-on work­shop focus­es on cul­ti­vat­ing inclu­sive lead­er­ship prin­ci­ples that dri­ve orga­ni­za­tion­al suc­cess and empow­er immi­grants to par­tic­i­pate ful­ly in Canada’s evolv­ing economy. 

This high­ly inter­ac­tive work­shop is designed to inspire imme­di­ate action. Par­tic­i­pants will leave not just informed but equipped with a per­son­al­ized Inclu­sive Lead­er­ship Action Plan, ready to dri­ve change in their organizations.

By the end of this work­shop par­tic­i­pants will be able to: 

  • Iden­ti­fy the essen­tial 5 keys to dri­ve long-term suc­cess through diversity 
  • Cre­ate a blue­print to com­bat bias­es and address Psy­cho­log­i­cal safe­ty for diverse team members 
  • Design a plan for the Open Dia­logue Accel­er­a­tor in tack­ling real-time challenges 
  • Inte­grate emo­tion­al intel­li­gence into their lead­er­ship approach, with a spe­cif­ic focus on empa­thy as a foun­da­tion­al element

Can be an online or in-per­son work­shop — 3 hours (2 * 1.5 hours)