Hiring in Today's Virtual World

In this inter­ac­tive vir­tu­al ses­sion Car­olyn Wat­son, Vir­tu­al HR Spe­cial­ist, will lead you through this work­shop that is designed to help busi­ness own­ers and man­agers under­stand the impor­tance and impact of mak­ing the right hir­ing choic­es. Par­tic­i­pants will be exposed to prac­ti­cal tools and tips applic­a­ble to all types of hir­ing situations. 

At the end of this inter­ac­tive ses­sion you will:

  • Under­stand how to assess your recruit­ment needs in today’s market
  • Explain strat­e­gy and tech­niques to attract the right candidates
  • Take away some tips to build an image to attract the very best 
  • Under­stand inter­view tech­niques, tools and how to ask effec­tive inter­view ques­tions, includ­ing fact and ref­er­ence checking
  • Employ proven selec­tion tools to choose the right candidate
Online Work­shop — 4 hours (2 * 2 hours)