Governance 101: The Basics

Gov­er­nance is an ever-evolv­ing con­cept refer­ring to the man­ner in which a body leads and over­sees the oper­a­tions of an organization. 

This inter­ac­tive online work­shop is designed to exam­ine the dif­fer­ent facets of gov­er­nance and equip board mem­bers with the tools for effec­tive participation. 

Par­tic­i­pants will learn: 

  • Def­i­n­i­tions of gov­er­nance, includ­ing its impact and characteristics; 
  • The fun­da­men­tal pil­lars of gov­er­nance, includ­ing rel­e­vant legal instru­ments, ele­ments of stew­ard­ship and prac­tices for sustainability; 
  • The duties and respon­si­bil­i­ties of direc­tors, includ­ing strate­gic and finan­cial oversight; 
  • Best prac­tices for good gov­er­nance; and 
  • Effec­tive board participation.

12‑hour long online workshop