Exiting your business- Selling, Wind up, or Liquidation

Many peo­ple plan to get into busi­ness but very few take the time to plan how they will get out. Prop­er plan­ning can ensure that you have as many options avail­able to you as possible.

This ses­sion will examine:

  • Time­line to con­sid­er for retirement
  • How to cal­cu­late busi­ness value/​worth
  • Sell­ing to out­side buy­ers vs. inside buyers
  • How tran­si­tion­ing dif­fers from sell­ing liq­ui­dat­ing a business
  • Your goals in succession

Whether you plan to retire or sell your busi­ness in the near future or in 5 or 10 years, this work­shop will pro­vide you with valu­able infor­ma­tion through real-life exam­ples and demonstrations.

Online Work­shop — 3 hours (2 * 1.5 hours)