De-escalating Customer and Clients

Cus­tomer ser­vice and client fac­ing work­places have always grap­pled with the ques­tion of how to de-esca­late dif­fi­cult situations. 

In this work­shop, par­tic­i­pants will learn a sim­ple mod­el for de-esca­la­tion, the ori­gins of our emo­tion­al reac­tions to esca­la­tion and the active lis­ten­ing skills that will help calm a sit­u­a­tion down before resolv­ing it. Par­tic­i­pants will take away a plan for de-esca­la­tion, help­ful lan­guage to use when speak­ing to esca­lat­ed clients or cus­tomers, a script for deal­ing with ver­bal­ly abu­sive peo­ple and strate­gies for hand­ing threats and vio­lence if de-esca­la­tion does not work.

This work­shop is for you if…

• you work in cus­tomer ser­vice
• you work in a client fac­ing role
• you have to de-esca­late client or cus­tomer sit­u­a­tions in your workplace

Can be an online or in-per­son work­shop — 2 hours