Create a Clear Marketing Message

The aver­age per­son encoun­ters over 3000 mar­ket­ing mes­sages per day — you need to be able to cut through the noise and focus people’s atten­tion on your business! 

This pro­gram is designed for mar­keters, sales pro­fes­sion­als, man­agers, recruiters, and lead­ers respon­si­ble for strategy. 

In this work­shop, Eri­ca Wad­dell takes you through her proven, sev­en-part frame­work to clar­i­fy your brand mes­sage. By the end, you’ll have a mes­sage that inspires and entices your cus­tomers. And you’ll under­stand how to apply it effec­tive­ly: on your web­site, in sales emails, on social media, etc. 

Your reg­is­tra­tion fee cov­ers six hours of inter­ac­tive online learn­ing with Eri­ca, as well as an hour with her one-on-one to help you with real life appli­ca­tion of the infor­ma­tion from the class. 

Online Work­shop: 2 ses­sions x 3 hrs + 1 hr 1‑on‑1 coach­ing with Eri­ca (option to apply for addi­tion­al sub­si­dized coach­ing hours)

2 ses­sions x 3 hrs + 1 hr 1‑on‑1 coach­ing with Eri­ca (option to apply for addi­tion­al sub­si­dized coac