Coaching Your People Online and Beyond

Help your team mem­bers dis­cov­er their poten­tialMen­tors, man­agers, super­vi­sors and lead­ers, this two-hour online work­shop will help you coach your peo­ple, to impact their day to day effec­tive­ness and their career poten­tial. You will learn tech­niques to help you move beyond infor­mal coach­ing-from-a-dis­tance to a more focused and effec­tive vir­tu­al approach. 

For exam­ple:

  • Build trust from a distance
  • Ask insight­ful questions
  • Iden­ti­fy cues in a vir­tu­al environment
  • Pro­vide pow­er­ful feedback
  • Devel­op and strength­en desired per­for­mance and behaviors
Online Work­shop — 2 hours