Canva 2.0 – Upping your Canva game with Canva Pro!

Can­va is a user-friend­­ly pro­gram that allows even the most ama­teur com­put­er user to cre­ate their own qual­i­ty projects. There are so many dif­fer­ent tem­plates and designs that you can use that you will nev­er run out of ideas for visu­al con­tent to use in your busi­ness or organization. 

This work­shop is for any­one look­ing to up their Can­va game to cre­ate stun­ning designs in no time with unlim­it­ed access to pre­mi­um con­tent, more pow­er­ful design tools, and AI-pow­ered magic.

By the end of this work­shop par­tic­i­pants will be able to: 

  • Mas­ter the user-friend­ly fea­tures of Can­va Pro to cre­ate pro­fes­sion­al-qual­i­ty projects effortlessly. 
  • Uti­lize a wide range of tem­plates, designs, and tools to gen­er­ate visu­al­ly com­pelling con­tent for their busi­ness or organization. 
  • Acquire prac­ti­cal skills to enhance their visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion strate­gies and ele­vate the qual­i­ty of their designs efficiently.

Can be an online or in-per­son work­shop — 2.5 hours