Buying an Existing Business

Why start from scratch? Buy­ing an exist­ing busi­ness can offer you a head start in the world of busi­ness ownership. 

In this work­shop par­tic­i­pants will learn: 

  • The advan­tages of buy­ing an exist­ing busi­ness over start­ing a new business 
  • The dif­fer­ence between a buy­er-lead acqui­si­tion process vs. a sell­er ini­ti­at­ed process 
  • How to approach a poten­tial oppor­tu­ni­ty using intermediaries 
  • The key infor­ma­tion for analy­sis, due-dili­gence and deter­min­ing a fair value 
  • How to finance the purchase 
  • Which experts to involve and when you will need them, such as accoun­tants, lawyers, bro­kers, bankers, etc.
Online Work­shop — 3 hours