Busy is the New Stupid: Productivity & Optimizing Time

Pro­fes­sion­als are tech­ni­cal experts in their fields, they know how to do surgery, how to teach, how to weld, how to draft legal briefs. It’s what they are good at. Most pro­fes­sion­als are not how­ev­er trained in the field of oper­a­tional effi­cien­cy & improve­ment and there­fore they are wast­ing pre­cious hours each day and each week on non-val­ue added work. We have cre­at­ed a soci­ety that judges peo­ple based on how busy they are ver­sus how pro­duc­tive they are, and this is dri­ving the wrong behav­iors in our work­places. In this work­shop your team will: 

  • be intro­duced to what pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tru­ly is and is not, and why you should care 
  • learn how to iden­ti­fy what is the true pri­or­i­ty work you need to focus on 
  • find the min­utes & even hours you are unknow­ing­ly los­ing each day 
  • learn how to max­i­mize and opti­mize the time you have at work
Online Work­shop — 2 hours