Building a Business That People Will Want to Buy.

Learn how you can make your busi­ness attrac­tive to buy­ers, increase prof­its and reduce the time and effort you put into man­ag­ing your small or medi­um sized business.

This three-hour online work­shop teach­es atten­dees what scares off buy­ers and how to employ a strat­e­gy to not only increase the val­ue of a busi­ness in the eyes of a buy­er but make more mon­ey and free up more time in the present. 

The work­shop is intend­ed for cur­rent and future entre­pre­neurs. Stu­dents will learn Barnett’s 12+1 step pro­gram for sys­tem­atiz­ing a small busi­ness that is already oper­at­ing day-to-day. 

This work­shop is for you if: 

  • You want to buy or start a busi­ness or already own one. 
  • You want to make your busi­ness more profitable. 
  • You want to make your busi­ness eas­i­er to manage.
  • You want to increase your vaca­tion and fam­i­ly time while being a busi­ness owner.
  • You want to ensure your busi­ness will sell quick­ly and for the best price when the time comes to sell. 


  • What do buy­ers look for? 
  • How are busi­ness­es valued? 
  • What prob­lems keep buy­ers from mov­ing forward? 
  • How can we make the busi­ness more attractive? 
  • How can we imple­ment busi­ness man­age­ment sys­tems quick­ly and eas­i­ly with min­i­mal inter­rup­tion in our opertion? 
  • David Bar­net­t’s Secret 12+1 step busi­ness sys­tem­ati­za­tion process.
Online Work­shop — 3 hours