Boost Engagement on Facebook

Part 1: Cre­ate posts that engage and help turn fol­low­ers into buyers. 

This work­shop is right for you if you are strug­gling to get engage­ment on your posts, you can’t fig­ure out what to post, and you want an eas­i­er process for posting. 

  • Under­stand the dif­fer­ence between post­ing to post and post­ing to cre­ate buyers 
  • Deter­mine the right con­tent mix for your business 
  • Learn tips that will help you increase post engage­ment and visibility 
  • Learn how to use Face­book Pub­lish­ing Tool 

Part 2: Ana­lyt­ics: under­stand your insights & save time

This work­shop is right for you if you want to under­stand how your posts are per­form­ing and con­tin­u­al­ly improve your engage­ment results. 

  • Learn how to use Face­book Insights, and how eval­u­ate your posts. 
  • Dis­cov­er and exper­i­ment with repur­pos­ing posts so you don’t always have to come up with new ideas. 
  • Learn time-sav­ing tips that will help you sched­ule a month of posts at a time.

Online Work­shops — 4 hours (2 * 2 hours)