Analyzing & Improving your Processes to Create More Value

The chal­lenges faced over the past 18 months made any inef­fi­cien­cies in our oper­a­tional process­es bla­tant­ly obvi­ous. Flawed process­es can some­times be hid­den (e.g. by excep­tion­al cus­tomer ser­vice, excess inven­to­ry, or hero­ic per­for­mance) but once they come to light you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to redesign them for greater impact and efficiency. 

This two-hour ses­sion will help you and your team: 

  • Under­stand how to map the process­es in your organization 
  • Iden­ti­fy the areas of process waste that go unnoticed 
  • Deter­mine which process­es are crit­i­cal ver­sus enablers 
  • Pri­or­i­tize the areas requir­ing the most improvement 
  • Learn meth­ods to stream­line and improve your processes

Online Work­shop — 2 hours

Online Work­shop — 2 hours