Accountability In The Workplace

Account­abil­i­ty helps to ensure that every employ­ee will take respon­si­bil­i­ty for their per­for­mance and behav­iors and con­tin­ue to man­age this respon­si­bil­i­ty. When we imple­ment goals and com­mu­ni­cate with one anoth­er, we can achieve pow­er­ful results. Build­ing an account­able work­place requires strong team­work and col­lab­o­ra­tion. Every team mem­ber must have a strong under­stand­ing of the val­ues of the com­pa­ny and rec­og­nize the impor­tance of their ded­i­ca­tion, in order to attain success.

This course will pro­vide you with infor­ma­tive tools and prac­ti­cal strate­gies that can be used to help empow­er the team to work towards achiev­ing the ben­e­fits of account­abil­i­ty. Account­able employ­ees will fuel per­for­mance and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and gen­er­ate an enhanced workplace. 

Tar­get audi­ence: Lead­ers, super­vi­sors, managers


• To increase employ­ee account­abil­i­ty and ensure the employ­ee takes respon­si­bil­i­ty for their per­for­mance and behaviors. 

Learn­ing Objectives:

1. Define account­abil­i­ty and per­son­al account­abil­i­ty and dif­fer­en­ti­ate between own­er­ship and accountability 

2. Use feed­back as a tool to enhance per­for­mance and under­stand the bar­ri­ers of work­place accountability 

3. Focus on build­ing account­abil­i­ty lead­er­ship and effec­tive­ly set SMART goals 

4. Iden­ti­fy the com­po­nents of the cycle of accountability 

5. Work towards achiev­ing the ben­e­fits of accountability 

Online Work­shop — 6 hours (3 * 2 hours)