Sue Oguchi

Sue Oguchi
Susan Oguchi English
With 15 years direct expe­ri­ence uncov­er­ing skill gaps that impact work­sites across Cana­da, Sue loves mak­ing a dif­fer­ence. She is a skilled facil­i­ta­tor and cur­ricu­lum devel­op­er bring­ing her pas­sion to every project. She under­stands how to quick­ly build work­place essen­tial skills in both Cana­di­an born and Immi­grant work­ers. Skills mat­ter, they impact many areas of your busi­ness. Safe­ty con­cerns, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty issues, con­tin­ued waste and resis­tance to change are just a few of the issues addressed by skills train­ing in the work­place. Sue has worked with employ­ers rep­re­sent­ing con­struc­tion, man­u­fac­tur­ing, health­care and ser­vice sectors.


  • Skills Development