Rino Maltais

Rino Maltais
R2 Solutions Emplois/Employment Solutions (external website)
English, French
As a co-founder of the agency, Rino draws on over 20 years of expe­ri­ence in the human resources field. He has focused his exper­tise on recruit­ment, per­for­mance man­age­ment, and career tran­si­tion. Hav­ing been involved in human resources since 1998, his entre­pre­neur­ial spir­it led him to cre­ate the employ­a­bil­i­ty ser­vice agency R2 in 2003 and then, its HR and recruit­ment divi­sion in 2008. Today, R2 is now rec­og­nized as a leader in its field. Since the company’s cre­ation, teams of employ­ees car­ry out sev­er­al man­dates each year, and this, with sev­er­al client com­pa­nies. As a recruiter, Rino has demon­strat­ed over the years that his proven, inno­v­a­tive, and rig­or­ous recruit­ment meth­ods ensure the suc­cess of his clients. Proac­tive and col­lab­o­ra­tive, he demon­strates lead­er­ship and deci­sive­ness; per­sua­sion and dar­ing; cre­ativ­i­ty and per­se­ver­ance; and of course, busi­ness intel­li­gence and acu­men. Addi­tion­al­ly, Rino holds a bachelor’s degree from the Uni­ver­sité de Monc­ton, with a major spe­cial­iz­ing in phys­i­cal geog­ra­phy, a minor in envi­ron­men­tal biol­o­gy, as well as stud­ies in andr­a­gogy. Ever the bilin­gual, he also holds a cer­tifi­cate in human resources man­age­ment from the Uni­ver­si­ty of New Brunswick. Rino can offer exper­tise in the fol­low­ing areas: recruit­ment (exec­u­tive, pro­fes­sion­al and skilled for­eign work­ers), project man­age­ment, strate­gic advice, career tran­si­tion and outplacement.


  • Communications
  • Immigration
  • Leadership
  • Human Resources
  • Operations Management
  • Governance
  • Strategic Planning
  • Productivity Improvement
  • Skills Development