Raissa Marks

Raissa Marks
Lily Mark English, French
With over 20 years in the non-prof­it sec­tor, Rais­sa is a col­lab­o­ra­tive leader with a pas­sion for fos­ter­ing healthy com­mu­ni­ties and empow­er­ing the peo­ple with­in them. She is the founder and prin­ci­pal con­sul­tant of Lily Mark, whose social pur­pose is to strength­en orga­ni­za­tions and sup­port col­lab­o­ra­tion for change. Rais­sa is a skilled facil­i­ta­tor with exten­sive expe­ri­ence lead­ing diverse groups of peo­ple through con­sen­sus-based deci­sion-mak­ing process­es. She is a cer­ti­fied coach who helps her clients achieve clar­i­ty and real­ize trans­for­ma­tive pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al growth. She is a strate­gic thinker with expe­ri­ence in pol­i­cy work at both the fed­er­al and provin­cial lev­els. Rais­sa has expe­ri­ence at the direc­tor and exec­u­tive direc­tor lev­el with var­i­ous envi­ron­men­tal and social jus­tice orga­ni­za­tions, as well as board expe­ri­ence. She holds a Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Envi­ron­ment from McGill Uni­ver­si­ty and a Mas­ter of Envi­ron­men­tal Stud­ies from York Uni­ver­si­ty, which focused on envi­ron­men­tal edu­ca­tion, civic engage­ment, and com­mu­ni­ty build­ing. Her moth­er tongue is Eng­lish; she is also flu­ent in French thanks to pri­ma­ry school French immer­sion and sub­se­quent work in both offi­cial lan­guages in New Brunswick, Canada’s only bilin­gual province. Through Lily Mark, Rais­sa pro­vides high qual­i­ty ser­vices for mis­sion-dri­ven orga­ni­za­tions large and small. Her ser­vices include exec­u­tive and lead­er­ship coach­ing, work­shop design and facil­i­ta­tion, and orga­ni­za­tion­al devel­op­ment sup­port includ­ing strate­gic plan­ning, suc­ces­sion plan­ning, gov­er­nance, and change man­age­ment. She cur­rent­ly lives in Montréal.


  • Governance
  • Strategic Planning