Marc Charbonneau

Marc Charbonneau
dlP Business Consulting Inc. (external website)
English, French
Marc is an entre­pre­neur­ial busi­ness con­sul­tant with over 20 years of lead­er­ship expe­ri­ence, spe­cial­iz­ing in strate­gic plan­ning, busi­ness devel­op­ment, and project man­age­ment. He is a grad­u­ate from the Roy­al Mil­i­tary Col­lege of Cana­da with a Bach­e­lor of Com­put­er Engi­neer­ing. Marc served in the Roy­al Cana­di­an Navy as a Naval Com­bat Sys­tems Engi­neer­ing Offi­cer. Upon retire­ment from the RCN, Marc tran­si­tioned to the pri­vate sec­tor. He has held pro­gres­sive lead­er­ship posi­tions at Lock­heed Mar­tin Cana­da, Blue­drop Train­ing & Sim­u­la­tion, Ultra Elec­tron­ics Mar­itime Sys­tems, Irv­ing Ship­build­ing and the Dal­laire Insti­tute for Chil­dren, Peace and Secu­ri­ty. Marc rec­og­nizes the impor­tance of sup­port­ing and serv­ing those we lead. He believes peo­ple are our best assets, and orga­ni­za­tions thrive and suc­ceed when our teams are engaged with an inspir­ing pur­pose, are guid­ed by val­ues-based lead­er­ship, and are sup­port­ed with process­es and tools to get the job done. Marc is an engag­ing pre­sen­ter who likes to weave per­ti­nent exam­ples pulled from his per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ences, and he encour­ages mean­ing­ful exchanges amongst par­tic­i­pants to fur­ther rein­force the les­son at hand.


  • Leadership
  • Sales
  • Operations Management
  • Strategic Planning
  • Productivity Improvement


For more information visit ProfitLearn or Training for the Non-Profit Sector

Project Management Lite

Running a business involves juggling many projects, but many SMEs don’t have anyone on staff with formal Project Management (PM) training. Project Management Lite will help you learn to apply PM principles to increase your success.

This two-part course will cover everything from defining your scope, estimating work and costs, establishing a plan, initiating the project, using metrics to track your progress, and harvesting lessons-learned at closing.

By the end of this workshop you will be able to:

• Recognize key PM concepts

• Understand the different stages of a project, and the inputs/outputs needed at each stage

• Identify metrics for tracking progress

• Analyze project performance and determine required actions

• Evaluate what went well and should be repeated, and what went wrong and should be avoided

This workshop is for you if:

• You struggle to keep your projects on time and on budget

• You don’t have much formal PM experience

• You are looking for ways to increase your success

Module 3: Business Development Essentials

Learn how to identify, make, and sustain the critical business relationships needed to succeed in selling into these sectors.

In this workshop, you will gain proven approaches to building the right customer pipeline and managing successful customer relationships. The workshop will also offer expert advice on how to pitch your product/service to improve your chances of securing a deal.