Julie Thériault Guitard

Julie Thériault Guitard
Centre InspireAction Centre English, French
Mrs. Julie The­ri­ault Gui­tard received a Bach­e­lor of Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion from l’Université de Monc­ton in 1999. For over 17 years, she worked as the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Res­tigouche Entre­pre­neur­ship Cen­tre (REC). In 2013, Julie devel­oped a new pas­sion — per­son­al devel­op­ment and mind­ful­ness. This inspired her to devel­op a series of 7 per­son­al growth work­shops and cre­ate a new Per­son­al Growth Branch of ser­vices at the REC. In 2018, she offi­cial­ly stepped down from her Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Posi­tion to con­cen­trate ful­ly on the Per­son­al Growth Branch and she also opened her own busi­ness, Mind­ful­ness Con­sul­ta­tion. For the next 5 years, she worked as the Mind­ful­ness Con­sul­tant at the Inspire­Ac­tion Cen­tre (for­mer­ly known as the REC) before pur­su­ing her busi­ness on a full­time basis in April 2023. Through her new pas­sion, she has writ­ten 3 children’s books and has also facil­i­tat­ed hun­dreds of work­shops and helped thou­sands of peo­ple to live more mind­ful­ly. With her expe­ri­ence and her own per­son­al growth jour­ney, she has made the pro­found real­iza­tion that she is the mas­ter of her life. Pas­sion­ate about life, she loves giv­ing work­shops and train­ing that inspire a pos­i­tive mes­sage to both young and old alike. Her unique and sim­ple approach and ener­getic per­son­al­i­ty always suc­ceed in moti­vat­ing oth­ers to dis­cov­er their full poten­tial. With her busi­ness exper­tise, she has also suc­cess­ful­ly encour­aged many employ­ers and entre­pre­neurs to invest in the well-being of their employ­ees. She firm­ly believes that well­ness is the key to SUCCESS!


  • Communications
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
  • Human Resources
  • Marketing
  • Operations Management
  • Skills Development


For more information visit ProfitLearn or Training for the Non-Profit Sector

The Importance of Self-Esteem at Work

During this workshop, you will learn to recognize the difference between self-esteem and self-confidence. You will discover the importance of self-esteem and how to develop it within you. Self-Esteem has a significant impact on many essential employee outcomes, such as motivation, job satisfaction, work relationships, change management, organizational commitment, and overall job performance. Self-esteem affects our behaviour in both our professional and personal life. Therefore, by taking part in this workshop, we are helping our employees access tools that will help them to see their value and/or improve the way they perceive themselves. This will help them reach their full potential and improve their work performance.

During this workshop, many topics will be discussed:

  • Recognizing the duality that exists within us (Ego versus Heart).
  • Knowing your inner-self better.
  • The importance of “I am”.
  • The power of influence.
  • Learning to better express yourself in a positive and authentic way.
  • A visualization exercise to better connect with yourself.

SME’s and non-profit organizations can strongly benefit from participating in this workshop – employers and employees alike. By investing in the personal development and wellbeing of your employees (and yourself) you are directly investing in the success and performance of your business!

The Power of Beliefs at Work

This workshop will allow you to understand the importance of becoming aware of your beliefs. You will learn how to replace your limiting beliefs with positive and constructive beliefs.

This session will allow you to reflect on all aspects of your life.

During this workshop, we will discuss:

  • The power of your beliefs.
  • The power of “perception”.
  • The duality that exists within us (Ego versus Heart).
  • Recognizing our limiting beliefs in both our professional and personal life.
  • The thought process that allows you to replace your limiting beliefs.

SME’s and non-profit organizations can strongly benefit from participating in this workshop – employers and employees alike. By investing in the personal development and wellbeing of your employees (and yourself) you are directly investing in the success and performance of your business!

Barriers and Solutions in the Workplace

We all have barriers, whether it is on a professional and/or personal level. This workshop will allow you to recognize your barriers and discover solutions that you can use to eliminate these barriers from your life. Many participants leave this workshop with a new lease on life and learn to discover their full potential to better perform in their life in general.

Throughout this workshop, you will learn about:

  • The importance of identifying barriers that keep us from moving forward in our work and/or personal life.
  • The importance of the power of our thoughts.
  • The system of our beliefs.
  • Many tools that will help you better self-reflect.

SME’s and non-profit organizations can strongly benefit from participating in this workshop – employers and employees alike. By investing in the personal development and wellbeing of your employees (and yourself) you are directly investing in the success and performance of your business!