Jennifer DeWare

Visualiiz Management Consulting (external website)
English, French
- Leadership
- Operations Management
- Strategic Planning
- Productivity Improvement
- Skills Development
For more information visit ProfitLearn or Training for the Non-Profit Sector
Adjusting to Changing Client Requirements
Business inefficiencies can often be hidden by great customer service, excess inventory, or heroic performance. This is the perfect opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of your operational processes so your business can become more efficient and flexible than before, and you’ll be poised for a quicker recovery!
This two-hour online workshop will help you to:
- Understand your critical processes
- Find the waste in your processes
- Identify where you need the most improvement
- Apply
methods to streamline and improve your processes
Busy is the New Stupid: Productivity & Optimizing Time
Professionals are technical experts in their fields, they know how to do surgery, how to teach, how to weld, how to draft legal briefs. It’s what they are good at. Most professionals are not however trained in the field of operational efficiency & improvement and therefore they are wasting precious hours each day and each week on non-value added work. We have created a society that judges people based on how busy they are versus how productive they are, and this is driving the wrong behaviors in our workplaces. In this workshop your team will:
- be introduced to what productivity truly is and is not, and why you should care
- learn how to identify what is the true priority work you need to focus on
- find the minutes & even hours you are unknowingly losing each day
- learn how to maximize and optimize the time you have at work
Are we Improving? Implementing Daily Management for Teams
Daily Management is one of the most engaging tools for any team. These two days will train the team on how to run efficient daily huddles (5-7 mins) in order to keep them working efficiently without lengthy meetings. It also includes the implementation of a visual management board which allows the team to always know the plan for the day/week and how they are doing (the score) while at the same time facilitating the reduction of interruptions and increasing time spent on value added work. In this session, you and you team will:
- learn how to motivate employees without cake & pizza parties
- be introduced to daily management techniques that drive team performance
- learn how to create a visual management board for the team to know the score
Finding the Hidden Waste in your Organization
25-50% of time at work is not actually spent doing something of value. Most organizations evolve over time into vertical silos or functional groupings of tasks: HR, finance, manufacturing, operations, shipping, sales. All of these functional areas have their own priorities and deadlines. But, the value being created by the work done flows horizontally and not vertically. This is where the waste hides.
The waste, or non-value added work, is what makes the day hard, frustrating, and often demotivating. Eliminating the waste in your day-to-day processes isn’t nearly as difficult as first being able to see it and recognize it as waste. In this workshop, your team will:
- learn the differences between functional and process focused organizations
- be able to identify what value added work is, versus value enabling & pure waste
- learn why simply adding more people or more capital never works to improve things
- be introduced to all the forms of process waste and how to identify them
- learn solutions to minimizing & even eliminating waste in your processes
Analyzing & Improving your Processes to Create More Value
The challenges faced over the past 18 months made any inefficiencies in our operational processes blatantly obvious. Flawed processes can sometimes be hidden (e.g. by exceptional customer service, excess inventory, or heroic performance) but once they come to light you have the opportunity to redesign them for greater impact and efficiency.
This two-hour session will help you and your team:
- Understand how to map the processes in your organization
- Identify the areas of process waste that go unnoticed
- Determine which processes are critical versus enablers
- Prioritize the areas requiring the most improvement
- Learn methods to streamline and improve your processes
Online Workshop - 2 hours
Supervisor Series
This series of online classes is ideal for the new supervisor or anyone who wishes to sharpen their supervisory skills.
Participants will be able to apply leadership concepts and use them as points of discussion through real life scenarios. Each month we will introduce new concepts and activities to keep discussions dynamic. These online classes which will last 2 hours and will be offered once a month, will include simulations and monthly coaching from an HR Specialist and a Productivity Expert.
Leadership 101: The Basics of Leadership today.
Explore the concept of Authentic Leadership through activities that will help identify your own leadership style.
Setting Expectations and Managing Performance
Discuss best practices that ensure everyone across the organization is on the same page. Learn the differences between Coaching &Feedback while applying techniques for both approaches.
Motivating Teams
No individual creates as much value alone as they do as part of a team. What motivates individuals to show up, on time and do a great job every day? Understanding those motivators is critical to increasing a team’s productivity and the value they create for their customers.
Productivity for the Team
The word “productivity” is misunderstood. Many people work very hard every day yet are not as productive as they could be or should be. Most professionals are not trained in the field of operational excellence & improvement and therefore they are wasting precious hours each day and each week on non-value added work. This session will focus on what is value added for your teams and how to eliminate the waste.
Managing Conflict
How to overcome the challenges of avoiding conflict and learn the steps in finding common ground. Discuss various approaches to effectively navigate through difficult conversations with confidence.
Daily Management for Improvement
One of the most engaging tools for any team. This day will train the team on how to run efficient daily huddles (5-7 mins. It also includes the implementation of a visual management board which allows the team to always know the plan for the day and how they are doing (the score).
Recruiting and Retaining Talent through Continuous Improvement
Looking for the secret to recruiting and retaining good talent? Do you want to motivate and engage the employees you already have? You might want to consider introducing a continuous improvement program.
In this interactive online workshop with Jennifer Deware you will learn the benefits of continuous improvement, and how to implement it in you business, regardless of your industry or sector.