Jean-Guy Vienneau

Jean-Guy Vienneau
JGV Consultants Inc. English, French
Retired pro­fes­sor and admin­is­tra­tor from l’U­ni­ver­sité de Monc­ton, Jean-Guy was a fac­ul­ty mem­ber and admin­is­tra­tor at UdeM for 35 years. He is the pres­i­dent of JGV Con­sul­tants Inc., a firm based in Dieppe (NB). His fields of exper­tise are orga­ni­za­tion­al behav­iour and strate­gic plan­ning for pub­lic, pri­vate and non-for-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions at provin­cial, region­al and inter­na­tion­al levels.


  • Leadership
  • Human Resources
  • Governance
  • Strategic Planning


For more information visit ProfitLearn or Training for the Non-Profit Sector

Governing Non-Profit Organizations Effectively

Facilitated by Jean-Guy Vienneau, these interactive online workshops aims to equip the members of the boards of directors of non-profit organizations. Specifically, this course will allow learners to:

  • Identify the principles and roles of a board and members 
  • Differentiate between governance and management of the organization
  • Illustrate the complexity of governance and its importance on the results of the organization
  • Understand the CA / general management dynamic
  • Apply concepts related to governance
  • Evaluate the organization's effectiveness in terms of governance.
Strategic Planning

The workshop enables participants to gain knowledge about the strategic and operational planning process while focusing on the sequences and steps necessary to develop, update and measure the results and outcomes of the planning exercise.

Participants will be engaged by sharing and exchanging with others to better understand the challenges and issues faced by board members and managers in planning for the future.

Learning objectives: 

  • Understand the process, requirements and conditions for developing a strategic plan. 
  • Engage board members in a participatory process in developing a strategic and operational plan.
  • Recognize the limits of strategic planning due to their dependence on resources (financial and human) and the choices to be made.
  • Translate concepts into real-life situations that organizations face today and in the future.
  • Develop an evaluation mechanism to assess the process and ultimate outcomes of the strategic planning exercise
Board Governance 101

This interactive online workshop is designed to help you achieve greater success by improving your nursing home’s management capacity and governance structures.

Facilitated by Jean-Guy Vienneau, the workshop will help you learn about:

  • Effective governance principles and concepts
  • The importance of the relationship between the Board and the Executive Director or Manager
  • The leadership role of a Board and its members or directors
  • How to manage risk
  • How to manage and resolve conflicts that can arise within your Board
  • How to develop a process to evaluate the effectiveness of your Board