Esther Hephzibah

Esther Hephzibah
Shine Transformation Solutions (external website)
Esther is an expe­ri­enced pro­fes­sion­al with 15 years of pro­gres­sive peo­ple and project man­age­ment expe­ri­ence work­ing across var­i­ous func­tions in the indus­tries of Oil and Gas, IT, Insur­ance, Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion, Finan­cial Ser­vices, Edu­ca­tion and Health. Esther is adept at work­ing in cul­tur­al­ly diverse work envi­ron­ments and com­mu­ni­cat­ing effec­tive­ly with employ­ees at all orga­ni­za­tion­al lev­els. Esther has worked in broad work­place cul­ture and human cap­i­tal based jobs and has spe­cial­ized expe­ri­ence in Inclu­sive Team Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Exec­u­tive & Group Coach­ing, Employ­ee Engage­ment, and Lead­er­ship Capa­bil­i­ty enhance­ment. Spe­cial areas of inter­est include Employ­ee Inclu­sion and Reten­tion strate­gies, Facil­i­tat­ing inte­gra­tion of Immi­grants into the work­place, New­com­er Sup­port, Con­fi­dence build­ing for Women, Inclu­sive Lead­er­ship and Gen­er­a­tional Diver­si­ty. Esther typ­i­cal­ly works with Team Lead­ers, Immi­grant serv­ing orga­ni­za­tions, Immi­gra­tion Spe­cial­ists inside cor­po­rate orga­ni­za­tions, and Busi­ness­es hir­ing skilled new­com­ers. Esther holds des­ig­na­tions as a Cer­ti­fied DISC Human Behav­ior Train­er, Cer­ti­fied Life & Lead­er­ship Trans­for­ma­tion Coach, a Licensed Blue­print for Suc­cess Facil­i­ta­tor and an MBA in Gen­er­al Management.


  • Communications
  • Immigration
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
  • Productivity Improvement
  • Skills Development


For more information visit ProfitLearn or Training for the Non-Profit Sector

The 4 Dimensions of Unlocking Inclusive Communication

You’ve Built a Diverse Team, But Have You Built an Inclusive Culture and Work environment ?

It’s one thing to have a diverse team. It’s another to unleash that team’s potential by creating an inclusive environment through a solid understanding of each team member's preferred communication style, motivators and the ideal environment where they can bring their best forward. Organizations reap the benefits of diversity—when employees bring their authentic selves to work!

By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the four dimensions of inclusive communication
  • Assess emotional intelligence in 7 key areas of influence and how it impacts team productivity
  • Identify specific communication styles that strengthen team engagement and foster inclusion
  • Actively practice empathy by seeking to understand others' perspectives, and considering diverse viewpoints in their communication interactions.
  • Create an action plan that supports the application of inclusive communication practices and holding each other accountable for growth.

Lead with Understanding: Building Highly Engaged Teams

Looking for a unique way to actively engage your team and break down silos? The Leadership Discovery Experience is your solution! This fun, interactive, and strategic workshop is designed to close communication gaps, address difficult topics, and elevate your team’s leadership awareness, fostering transformative growth.

Through thought-provoking exercises and questions, this workshop will illuminate team dynamics, promote buy-in, and enhance leadership awareness.
Witness transformation in real time during this two-hour in-person or online learning experience, equipped with practical techniques to navigate leadership in the post-pandemic era.

This workshop benefits any group of people working together towards a common goal, making it ideal for diverse teams seeking to enhance their cohesion and effectiveness.

By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Develop and apply effective communication best practices to bridge gaps and improve team collaboration.
  • Discover and implement creative methods to engage team members, increasing their sense of purpose and overall productivity.
  • Acquire tools to facilitate open and constructive conversations on challenging subjects within the team.
  • Experience live scenarios that highlight team dynamics and learn how to effectively navigate and resolve issues as they arise.
  • Identify key reflection questions that facilitate reflection on past experiences and future goals, enabling leaders to assess performance, acknowledge gaps, and stay aligned with their desired trajectory.

Inclusive Leadership: 5 Keys to Success Through Diversity

This immersive learning experience is designed to equip leaders and employers with actionable strategies to harness the economic potential of a diverse workforce, specifically addressing the increasing influx of immigrants. This hands-on workshop focuses on cultivating inclusive leadership principles that drive organizational success and empower immigrants to participate fully in Canada's evolving economy.

This highly interactive workshop is designed to inspire immediate action. Participants will leave not just informed but equipped with a personalized Inclusive Leadership Action Plan, ready to drive change in their organizations.

By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Identify the essential 5 keys to drive long-term success through diversity
  • Create a blueprint to combat biases and address Psychological safety for diverse team members
  • Design a plan for the Open Dialogue Accelerator in tackling real-time challenges
  • Integrate emotional intelligence into their leadership approach, with a specific focus on empathy as a foundational element

Navigating Generational Diversity in Today's World

Leadership in a diverse workforce presents unique challenges stemming from generational differences. Tension, miscommunication, and resistance to change can hinder harmony and productivity. In this interactive workshop, leaders are equipped to take a proactive approach in addressing these challenges head-on. Our focus goes beyond stereotypes and division, guiding leaders to foster connection and respect for the intrinsic value each generation brings to the workforce. By embracing these differences, leaders pave the way for a more harmonious and productive work environment, leveraging the strengths of every generation for collective success.

Leaders ultimately understand the skills to turn the diverse generations within their team into a competitive advantage.

By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Understand the unique characteristics, values, and communication styles of each generation in the workforce.
  • Identify and capitalize on the strengths that each generation brings to the team, turning diversity into a competitive advantage.
  • Navigate conflicts arising from generational differences with practical strategies for resolution.
  • Establish a path for an individual action plan to improve interactions with colleagues, supervisors, clients, and interns.
  • Shift perspectives from stereotypes and division to a mindset of connection and respect for the value each generation contributes to the workforce.
  • Create a personalized action plan to implement inclusive leadership practices and enhance generational diversity within their respective teams.