David Barnett

David Barnett
Advantage Liquidity Partners Ltd. (external website)
English, French
David has been work­ing with SMEs for over 20 years and specif­i­cal­ly help­ing with buy/​sell trans­ac­tions since 2008. His career has includ­ed own­ing a small busi­ness debt bro­ker­age, busi­ness bro­ker­age and being a con­sul­tant to buy­ers and sell­ers around the world. In his role as a busi­ness bro­ker in Monc­ton, he per­son­al­ly inter­me­di­at­ed the sale of more than 35 busi­ness­es. Since chang­ing to a con­sult­ing mod­el in 2015, he’s helped hun­dreds more buy­ers and sell­ers. David has 7 book titles avail­able on Ama­zon all con­cerned with small busi­ness and main­tains a YouTube chan­nel with hun­dreds of videos answer­ing ques­tions from entre­pre­neurs around the world.


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Financial Management
  • Sales
  • Operations Management


For more information visit ProfitLearn or Training for the Non-Profit Sector

Buying an Existing Business

Why start from scratch? Buying an existing business can offer you a head start in the world of business ownership.

In this workshop participants will learn:

  • The advantages of buying an existing business over starting a new business
  • The difference between a buyer-lead acquisition process vs. a seller initiated process
  • How to approach a potential opportunity using intermediaries
  • The key information for analysis, due-diligence and determining a fair value
  • How to finance the purchase
  • Which experts to involve and when you will need them, such as accountants, lawyers, brokers, bankers, etc.
Exiting your business- Selling, Wind up, or Liquidation

Many people plan to get into business but very few take the time to plan how they will get out. Proper planning can ensure that you have as many options available to you as possible.

This session will examine:

  • Timeline to consider for retirement
  • How to calculate business value/worth
  • Selling to outside buyers vs. inside buyers
  • How transitioning differs from selling liquidating a business
  • Your goals in succession

Whether you plan to retire or sell your business in the near future or in 5 or 10 years, this workshop will provide you with valuable information through real-life examples and demonstrations.

Building a Business That People Will Want to Buy.

Learn how you can make your business attractive to buyers, increase profits and reduce the time and effort you put into managing your small or medium sized business.

This three-hour online workshop teaches attendees what scares off buyers and how to employ a strategy to not only increase the value of a business in the eyes of a buyer but make more money and free up more time in the present.

The workshop is intended for current and future entrepreneurs. Students will learn Barnett’s 12+1 step program for systematizing a small business that is already operating day-to-day.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You want to buy or start a business or already own one.
  • You want to make your business more profitable.
  • You want to make your business easier to manage.
  • You want to increase your vacation and family time while being a business owner.
  • You want to ensure your business will sell quickly and for the best price when the time comes to sell.


  • What do buyers look for?
  • How are businesses valued?
  • What problems keep buyers from moving forward?
  • How can we make the business more attractive?
  • How can we implement business management systems quickly and easily with minimal interruption in our opertion?
  • David Barnett's Secret 12+1 step business systematization process.
Understanding Business Structures

Business ownership structures can be combined like puzzle pieces, to make sure you have the right legal, financial and personal protections in place. Have you set up your business correctly? Are you maximizing your tax efficiencies? Do you need to access capital? When is the right time to incorporate? What is a co-op and should I consider that?

This 90-minute course will help you understand the different options available to you in New Brunswick, and how to choose the right one for you.