Dale Thibodeau

Dale Thibodeau
DJ Thibodeau and Associates Inc. (external website)
English, French
Expe­ri­ence Dale Thi­bodeau found­ed DJ Thi­bodeau & Asso­ciates Inc. in 2006, after a suc­cess­ful career with major com­pa­nies such as JD Irv­ing Ltd., McCains and Puro­la­tor Couri­er. With JD Irv­ing from 1991 – 2006, Dale was the Vice Pres­i­dent and Gen­er­al Man­ag­er for Irv­ing Land Trans­porta­tion where he had full oper­a­tional and P&L respon­si­bil­i­ty for mul­ti-modal trans­porta­tion com­pa­nies oper­at­ing in the Unit­ed States and Cana­da with a com­bined rev­enue base of over $170 mil­lion. At DJ Thi­bodeau & Asso­ciates, Dale has devel­oped a niche in the Atlantic Region help­ing entre­pre­neurs improve prof­itabil­i­ty through bet­ter orga­ni­za­tion­al align­ment and account­abli­ty. Dale also recent­ly helped the Province of New Brunswick save $25 mil­lion in nego­ti­at­ing a 15 year oper­at­ing agree­ment with CNR. Areas of Exper­tise Man­age­ment con­sult­ing, spe­cial­iz­ing in help­ing entre­pre­neurs improve prof­itabil­i­ty. We help orga­ni­za­tions design and imple­ment high­ly effec­tive busi­ness devel­op­ment process­es and pro­grams. We help busi­ness­es devel­op man­age­ment capac­i­ty by build­ing high­ly effec­tive man­age­ment teams. Train­ing and coach­ing in Bal­anced Score­cards, Strat­e­gy Maps and orga­ni­za­tion­al align­ment. Clients oper­ate in man­u­fac­tur­ing, trans­porta­tion and gov­ern­ment ser­vices. Qual­i­fi­ca­tions — Bach­e­lor of Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion — Six Sig­ma Cham­pi­on, Juran Insti­tute — Lean Expert, Juran Insti­tute — Coach­ing for Excep­tion­al Results, Richard Ivey School of Busi­ness — Exec­u­tive Devel­op­ment, Uni­ver­si­ty of West­ern Ont — Results-based Lead­er­ship, Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan Busi­ness School — Val­u­a­tion of Com­pa­nies, the Prac­ti­cal Aspects, CMC — Habit of Sell­ing IV. But­ler Learn­ing Sys­tems — The Trans­porta­tion Sales­man, Sales and Mar­ket­ing Coun­cil of ATA — Pro­fes­sion­al Sell­ing Skills II, Xerox


  • Communications
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
  • Human Resources
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Operations Management
  • Governance
  • Strategic Planning
  • Trade / Export
  • Commercialization / Innovation
  • Supply Chain
  • Safety
  • Productivity Improvement
  • International Development
  • Skills Development


For more information visit ProfitLearn or Training for the Non-Profit Sector

Successful Negotiation Essentials

Three-part series. Required participation in each part. 1 hour 30 minutes each.

As business owners and managers, you are expected to successfully negotiate with clients, suppliers, partners, and employees.  The commonly held belief is that where there are winners, there must be losers. Given the stakes, you’d not be alone in wanting to learn how to win each negotiation you undertake. This 3-part online workshop series challenges that notion and by participating you will learn effective approaches and techniques to help both parties be successful in negotiations.


Through these engaging and interactive online workshops, you will learn about:
  • Win/Lose approach to negotiations. What is it and how to avoid it.
  • Win/Win approach to negotiations. The keys to accomplish this.
  • Interest based negotiations and generating options to get to “Yes”.
Module 1: Position Your Business to find Supply Chain Success

Learn how to find where you fit and determine when opportunities make good business sense.

  • Develop awareness and understanding of market size and share and its influence on growth decisions.
  • Review benchmark financial performance.
  • Demonstrate how capacity and customer expectations drive pricing decisions and have a material impact on project and overall company profitability.
Module 2: Certification, Regulation & Best Practice

Learn how to prepare your business for success by implementing core skill and competency development programs and measurement systems. Sophisticated Supply Chain buyers look for organizations with continuous improvement and Lean operational cultures.

Find out how to implement easy to maintain Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and financial metrics that provide insights into your current and future financial performance.

Selling into Supply Chains

The world has never been more aware of the complex and integrated nature of global supply chains. Where there is challenge for some though, there is opportunity for others. Many companies, and public sector procurement arms are now taking a more serious look at local suppliers, as way of reducing risk while maintaining quality and price requirements.

Attend this interactive, and engaging online workshop to learn how your company can find success by selling into supply chains. Gain tips on how your approach must be adapted for this opportunity, and how it differs from regular sale efforts. Leave with practical tools you can put to use immediately, to turn learning into growth for your business.