
Consumer issues, community involvement, community development

Actions in PlaceNew Initiatives for 2024-2025
  • Corporate community engagement: Corporate donations to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia food banks. 
  • Employee community involvement: Six staff members actively volunteer, serving on the boards or supporting other activities of 11 different organizations.
  • Ethical contractual practices: Ensuring fairness and integrity in all supplier agreements.
  • Client data protection: Upholding the highest standards for privacy and security of client data.
  • Transparency: Committed to clear and honest reporting in all aspects of our work.
  • Skills development: Helping organizations prosper by providing comprehensive skills development opportunities to SMEs and non-profits. 
  • Equity-focused programming: Offering targeted programs for equity-deserving groups such as women (through our Women’s Leadership Programs) and LGBTQ2S+ workers facing harassment in the workplace (SaferPlacesNB). 
  • Adopt a corporate donation matching program: Increase our impact by making corporate donations to match employee donations.
  • Eliminate barriers and create proactive opportunities for Indigenous businesses: In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Call to Action #92 (b) we will work to "ensure that Aboriginal peoples have equitable access to jobs, training, and education opportunities in the corporate sector, and that Aboriginal communities gain long-term sustainable benefits from economic development projects."