The Export Market Access Program (EMAP) and E-tools for Exporting Program (E for E) provides financial assistance to help SMEs market their products more effectively in international markets.


The Export Market Access Program (EMAP) and E-tools for Exporting Program (E for E) provide financial assistance to help SMEs market their products more effectively in international markets.

The Programs are open to businesses operating in Prince Edward Island. If your head office is in New Brunswick, visit Export Funding NB.

The programs cover specific activities provided by consultants or agencies such as:

  • Market research
  • Strategy development
  • Lead generation and sales activities
  • Export-focused website additions
  • SEO
  • Digital ads
  • Social media strategy
  • Coaching on any of the above
  • and more

The programs are managed by LearnSphere with financial assistance from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.


The programs are open to SMEs with a Canada Revenue Agency Business Number, operating in Prince Edward Island and currently exporting or planning to start exporting.

EMAP/E for E is open to all industry sectors, except retail/wholesale, real estate, government services, personal or social services and softwood lumber. Professional services such as marketing firms, creative agencies, business or fitness coaches are generally not considered eligible applicants; however, they may be considered if the project represents a unique and/or strategic opportunity with potential economic benefit to Atlantic Canada. Consultant travel and trade show attendance fees are not eligible. Applicants must not make any financial commitments prior to submission, or costs incurred will not be eligible.

Please note that meeting the eligibility criteria does not guarantee you will receive funding. Each eligible application will be subject to an evaluation process. Applicants must clearly demonstrate how the activity will lead to increased sales outside of Canada. For applications containing digital activities, applicants may be asked to provide a recent export market strategy. Applicants are allowed a maximum of two projects per program phase. Activities for a second project must demonstrate progressive and incremental activity and must not be a continuation of a previous project.

Eligible Activities and Costs
Eligible Activities Eligible Costs Ineligible Costs
  • Market research or export plan development
  • Lead generation activities
  • Sales activities, including mapping the sales process, creating a sales playbook, etc.
  • Translation
  • SEO
  • Paid online advertising campaign
  • Integration of e-commerce functionality
  • Social media strategy
  • Videos
  • Training, coaching, or mentoring on any of the above
  • Other activities that support export growth; please discuss with LearnSphere
  • Professional/consulting fees to undertake activities.
  • Online advertising costs
  • Costs associated with participating in a trade show
  • Printing of brochures
  • Production of trade show booth
  • HST

All projects must be completed within a six month period


Funding is provided in the form of a reimbursement. The Applicant must cash flow 100% of costs and will be reimbursed when the project is finished.

Total project costs must be more than $5,000 to apply for assistance. Applicants can receive up to 65% of eligible costs, to a maximum contribution of $15,000. For the minimum project size of $5,000, the reimbursement would equal $3,250; for a project of $27,033 or greater, the maximum reimbursement would be $15,000. At least 35% of the total project costs must be provided by the Applicant. All sources of funds must be identified.

LearnSphere will reimburse the contribution amount after all project costs have been paid, and a claim has been submitted by the Applicant.

Program Process

You must complete the online application form, demonstrating that you comply with the program’s objective and guidelines.

Once the application form, consultant proposal(s), and other supporting documents are received by LearnSphere, you will be notified of the evaluation outcome as soon as possible, usually within two weeks.

If your application is approved, a contract will be issued between LearnSphere and your company.

It will be your responsibility to select the consultant(s) you work with. A sample statement of work for engaging a consultant can be found here.

All consultants must be at arm’s length to your company, and their fees must be at fair market value. You are responsible to ensure that satisfactory work is completed by the consultant(s).

‘This project allowed Trout River to get into South Korea and Japan for face-to-face meetings with potential partners. We have officially entered an agreement with a Japanese manufacturing company as a result of this project.’’ – Trout River Industries Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can an application contain more than one activity?

Yes, you can submit one application that covers several eligible activities. You may use more than one consultant to complete each of these activities. If you intend to hire different consultants for different activities, please ensure you attach a consultant’s proposal for each activity to your application.

How do I find a consultant?

LearnSphere cannot recommend consultants for EMAP and E for E projects. You can ask people in your network (peers, colleagues, advisors working in economic development) to suggest consultants who could meet your needs. Consultants do not need to be based in your region; they can be located anywhere in the world.

What should be included in the consultant’s proposal?

Please see this template for an example of what should be included in a consultant’s proposal.

Can an employee do the work of the project?

No, the funding must be used to pay professional fees for expertise that does not exist in-house. The only exception is online advertising, in which case case the consultant is Google, Facebook, etc. and the employee can manage the campaign.

What is meant by incrementality?

The applicant must demonstrate that the project goes beyond the applicant’s core activities , represents new initiatives and yields incremental results.

How long is a typical project?

Once your application has been accepted, it is referred to as your “project”. Most projects take approximately 3 to 4 months to complete. Targeted promotional campaigns could last for up to 6 months.

How do I finance the project?

You must be able to cash flow all planned activities in the project. EMAP-E for E will reimburse eligible costs once the work is complete and you have submitted a claim.

How are applications evaluated?

The evaluation is based on a list of criteria that constitutes a business case for the proposed project. Because the demand is high for these programs, the applications demonstrating the highest potential for economic impact to their region and most in alignment with the Atlantic Growth Strategy will be given priority.

How does the claims process work?

You are responsible to pay all project expenses, including HST, as they are incurred. Once the activities of your project are complete, you will submit a claim. You will be reimbursed only once the claim has been accepted.

Questions? Contact Sally Marchand, Project Manager or Carolyne Mongrain, Project Coordinator at LearnSphere.