Strategic Management of Social Media

The train­ing will allow par­tic­i­pants to dis­cov­er cur­rent trends and issues relat­ed to social media. The sec­ond part of the work­shop will con­sist of estab­lish­ing your co-op’s social media strat­e­gy by explor­ing the com­po­si­tion of the mes­sage, how to broad­en its audi­ence and pro­gram­ming tools.

  • Set orga­ni­za­tion­al goals on social media

  • Cre­ate the per­sona of the organization

  • List the themes of the plat­forms used

  • Dis­cov­er cur­rent trends on social media

  • Explain the dif­fer­ent types of junk on social media

  • Iden­ti­fy pro­gram­ming tools
Online Work­shop — 3 hours