Scott Murray

Scott Murray
DataAngel Policy Research Incorporated (external website)
English, French
Scott Mur­ray cur­rent­ly holds the post of Pres­i­dent, DataAn­gel Pol­i­cy Research Inc. DataAn­gel is a full-ser­vice Cana­di­an pol­i­cy research com­pa­ny serv­ing a broad range of nation­al and inter­na­tion­al clients with a focus on edu­ca­tion and skills. He also holds the post of VP Ana­lyt­ics at Vamet­ric, one of the world’s lead­ing com­pe­ten­cy assess­ment and learn­ing sup­port sys­tems. Pri­or to 2007 Scott was Direc­tor if Edu­ca­tion Out­comes at the Unesco Insti­tute for Sta­tis­tics (UIS) where he was respon­si­ble for their pro­grams of adult and stu­dent skill assess­ment. Scott had a 32 year long career at Sta­tis­tics Cana­da, where he fin­ished as the Direc­tor Gen­er­al, Social and Insti­tu­tion­al Sta­tis­tics, Sta­tis­tics Cana­da. Dur­ing his tenure at Stat Can he cre­at­ed and imple­ment­ed the five cycles of the world’s first inter­na­tion­al com­par­a­tive assess­ments of adult lit­er­a­cy and numer­a­cy. Mr. Mur­ray holds an Hon­ors BA in Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion from the Uni­ver­si­ty of West­ern Ontario and is over­ly fond of claret and data.


  • Immigration
  • Human Resources
  • Productivity Improvement
  • International Development
  • Skills Development